Thursday, November 28, 2019
Bteac National It Unit 2 Information Systems D1 Essay Example
Bteac National It Unit 2 Information Systems D1 Paper D1 Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems Computers systems are an essential piece of equipment in many peopleââ¬â¢s everyday lives they have to deal with a lot of processes information and be able to go on the internet where there is a risk of getting viruses and bugs. This is why computer systems have to be equipped with the right software utilities to ensure that they are working at their best at all times. There are many different types of software utilities available for a computer system I will explain them in detail in this report. Firewalls Most if not all businesses, schools and big companies regularly use computer systems and go on the internet they usually have many computer systems networked together that get used for important information and keep their companies running. This is why they install firewalls on their systems. Without firewalls there is the risk of malicious viruses getting through, infecting the system and sometimes taking it down completely. The firewall acts as a communications filter which stops those malicious communications from reaching the computer system. Firewalls can also be programmed to only visit certain sites this will make sure that there is no chance of a virus. Firewalls definitely improve the performance of computer systems. Disk defragmenters Over the time of using a computer system it will start to slow down this is because of the software that gets installed and deleted off the hard disk. We will write a custom essay sample on Bteac National It Unit 2 Information Systems D1 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bteac National It Unit 2 Information Systems D1 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bteac National It Unit 2 Information Systems D1 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When you install software on to a computer system the information gets put into sectors of the hard disk. when you run it a little arm moves to the sector that has the information and then it loads but overtime when the disk gets full of information it takes longer for the little arm to get to the place with all the information also because of software that is deleted there are spaces scattered all over the hard disk making information even longer to locate this is where disk defragmenters come in to play. The disk defragmenter is a tool that cleans up your hard disk and puts all information into order so that it is easy to find for the system this then makes the applications run much quicker. Drive formatting Drive formatting is the process in which you erase data from your hard drive When you format a hard drive theà operating system erases all bookkeeping information on the disk, then it tests the hard drive to make sure allà sectorsà are reliable, marks bad sectors (that is, those that are scratched or otherwise damaged), and creates internalà addressà tables that it later uses to locate information. Before you use a new hard drive you should make sure it is formatted. There is also reformatting this is when you take a hard drive that you have already formatted and format it again this process makes a huge difference to the speed of your system because it deletes all the rubbish on the drive.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Definition Of Feudalism Essays - Middle Ages, Feudalism, Free Essays
Definition Of Feudalism Essays - Middle Ages, Feudalism, Free Essays Definition Of Feudalism Feudalism is not an easy term to define. The use of the word feudalism was not a term that is created by scholars in the seventeenth century, well after the medieval age. Thus the term is filled with confusion and inaccuracy. In a way, the term feudalism tries to condense all the aspects of a complex society into one term. By creating the term, scholars tried to condense the society into connections to the feud, or estate granted to vassus by lords. The terms vassus and lord meant different things to different groups of peoples in different areas and during different times. Thus it is hard define precisely what feudalism is. Scholars however have two differing descriptions about how to view feudalism. In one view, that of Marc Bloch, viewed feudalism as the complete society, political, military, social, and economic. He saw all of these issues centering around lordship. Karl Marx also took this perspective with one major difference; he centered on peasants. Marxisms main emphasis is that of the plight of the worker thus in his view of feudalism only the peasants contributed to society. In another major view, feudalism is largely a political term. The political power in feudalism, these individuals claim, was treated as an individual possession and held by those who owned the land. Thus the government was ruled by the lords and royal officials who ruled over their land. Under the lords were their bodyguards or knights. Below these knights were the retainers or vassals. Just as there is confusion over the precise definition of feudalism, there is confusion over its origins. Some scholars claim that with the invention of the stirrup, the bodyguards or retainers became more important. Those that were trained in using the stirrup to spear his enemy became valuable to the lords, who made these men take oaths of allegiance to them. This started the dependency of the lower class on the aristocratic lords. In the more widely held, modern view, Martel purchased the loyalty of subjects with land or other wealth. These retainers became the vassals. These vassals were not members of the nobility and thus could not rule. The ruling counts were below kings in early feudalism, however when the kings failed to protect, the counts stepped in and protected their people for a price, that of subservience. In this sense feudalism takes on a form of government, the vassals and retainers making up the lower class and the counts making up the aristocracy. In analyzing the reading, it appears the feudalism was a source of order in Europe. In a time of civil war and danger from barbarian invaders, feudalism provided protection and a way of life to the peasants of Europe. While peasants were, from a modern view, owned by the lords, in the sense that they were indebted to the lords, the peasants were willing to sacrifice complete freedom for the protection. The direct influence of this way of life on the peasants was that they were protected by and indebted to the lords. The lords became their rulers as opposed to the kings. Bibliography McKay, Hill, Buckner. A History of Western Society. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Islamic poltical sceince and culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Islamic poltical sceince and culture - Essay Example slim immigrants groups up to form the greater terrorism network that keep expanding with increasing following and agents assigned in different countries (Cesari 87). This is the case of France which in recent past experienced violence perpetrated by Muslims affiliated terror groups against the Jews institutions. Some outlawed groups like Salafist influence in mosques and prayer rooms in France and enumerated 541 activists is seen as their infringement on security rules hence resistance towards integration.The 9/11 terror attack in the US has equally portray Muslims as a threat to peace and security hence the challenges of integration experienced by the Muslims community (Cesari 87). The societies in western nations practice liberal lifestyle that significantly diverges from the Muslim culture which is more reserved. In USA for instance, the young generation leads a very vibrant secular lifestyle and this is likely to compromise their observation of the Muslim conservatives. The Muslim immigrant community living US has therefore found it really challenging to integrate in the big social culture of the liberal society. This is one major obstacle posed by the receiving society against the efforts of integration by the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Physical acitvity experiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Physical acitvity experiences - Essay Example It is important for humans to engage in physical activity as early as possible because it is how we can each reach our end goal as human beings. My own physical experience from my childhood that clearly demonstrates this principle of Hoffman could be traced back into my childhood. Ever since I was a child, I yearned to be able to crawl, to walk, and to run so I can eventually play with other kids. With doing simple physical activities such as crawling, walking, or running, I was able to not only fully develop my ability to crawl, walk, and run but also equipped me to be prepared for what my teenage years had in store for me. It was during my teenage years that I started to see the inclinations I had as an individual. With this said, another of Hoffmanââ¬â¢s points out that our ability to move is innate but with practice, we can gain control over our physical movements which is the ingredient for excellence (Hoffman,2009, p.71). Relating it to the physical experience I had during m y teenage years, I remembered wanting to be drafted in our schoolââ¬â¢s basketball team despite my lanky body and average height. However, despite these limitations, I strived to go beyond whatââ¬â¢s possible by practicing basketball every after class, even if it entails playing on my own. This daily physical activity became a habit of mine that worked wonders. Eventually I developed the skill for basketball that got me drafted after my third attempt for try outs. This is indeed a clear demonstration of Hoffmanââ¬â¢s principle of the importance of practice not only physically but also to develop a mental ability to control our physical movements to achieve an end goal. Another of Hoffmanââ¬â¢s principle relating to the importance of physical experience would be the factors that influence the performance of a person which includes societal and environmental factors, pertaining to oneââ¬â¢s family, friends, and internal/external circumstances that directly affects oneâ â¬â¢s motivation to do things (Hoffman,2009, p.72). Majority of the activities we do are either motivated by opportunities and encouragement or diminished by barriers. Relating this principle of Hoffman to my own physical planned experience I had back in college, would be the time when I wanted to sacrifice one school year of being a regular student, just to be able to finally move up to my goal of playing basketball professionally which required players to do at least 8 hours of practice per day - an obviously unfeasible goal for a regular college student. Though my parents were supportive with my daily practice after school, they were not agreeable to totally skipping a year of school to become a professional basketball player & our funds also did not allow my dream to be realized. With this said, my planned physical experience which is to be the best at playing basketball was greatly affected by the encouragement, motivation, and financial support that was available to me. Inde ed, we are all given in-born and developed abilities to learn through perception and cognition, putting it into good use through the ability to do complex physical activities directed to a certain goal. Though this ability of ours to perform
Monday, November 18, 2019
Risk and Mental Health Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Risk and Mental Health - Coursework Example Risk definition, assessment and devising strategic approaches,tactics,models and even algorithms to deal with each of these specific risks on either stand alone or grouped basis has turned a major concern for the medical care providers dealing with cases of mental health. The task becomes formidable as the incidence of such mental health cases is substantial in most jurisdictions. Take the instance of incidence of traumatic brain injuries or even mild traumatic brain injuries. Globally millions of affected persons are treated each year for severe head injury. (Jennett, 1996) Various best practices guidelines have defined head injuries. National Institute for Clinical Excellence has the following definition: 'Head injury' is defined as any trauma to the head, other than superficial injuries to the face. (National, 2003) Of the millions hit by head injuries each year; the most common incidents causing these injuries are falls, road traffic accidents and assaults (such as fights). Youth (15 years and over) and children are more susceptible to head injuries due to an active and mobile lifestyle. However most of the sustained head injuries are diagnosed mild and do not lead to admission as in-patients. About nine out of ten people seen in hospital have a mild or minor head injury and will go home without being admitted to hospital. This itself may be an indication of gross under evaluation of the risk associated with the mental health of the patient. However the illness states f these patients is technically termed as mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).MTBI patients, even if admitted to hospital, are discharged within of after 48 hours. Only a fraction of the total number of people who have had head injuries (often placed at lesser than one in a hundred) do suffer from a severe injury to their brain. The general argument offered is that the severe brain injury is rare as the scalp and skull of human head play protective roles and absorb much of the impact of the inj ury. However symptoms including bleeding swelling or bruising can occur both inside the skull and inside the brain. Where the damage is located and what has been the extent of such damage is decided by the force and speed of the blow. Therefore, it is often said that a timely and speedy treatment of a severe injury to the brain may result in complete recovery; however, no medical care system can guarantee against serious disability or even fatality as a result of such severe head injuries -particularly if the treatment is delayed and/or misplaced as well. (National,2003).All such cases present themselves as living examples of deficient treatment of risks involved in mental health situation. To make the matters worse, and continuing with the most extreme and delicate state of mental ill health i.e. traumatic brain
Friday, November 15, 2019
Human Trafficking In The United States Criminology Essay
Human Trafficking In The United States Criminology Essay In 2006, Shaun Newell was seventeen when she was deceived by a friend that she had just known for a few days. Shaun slept at that girls house somewhere in Pensacola, Florida. Shauns nightmare began after that day. She was drugged, molested, and assaulted. Sadly, she became a victim of human trafficking. She was held for only four days, but they were the most devastating days that Newell will have to live with for the rest of her life (The Jammed True Stories of Human Trafficking Blog). sources states, the U.S. government says human trafficking is one of the largest criminal industries in the world-second only to drugs-and the fastest growing (Smith). Yet many people nowadays misunderstand that they are safe and protected when they are living in the U.S. It is because the U.S. has one of the best security systems around the world. However, many people do not know about human trafficking. It is a serious crime that takes place in America. Every day, there are people who are kidnapped, abused, and raped in America. Also, they become victims of human trafficking. Human trafficking is actually a different form of slavery. According to an overview about human trafficking issues from the website, victims of human trafficking are young children, teenagers, men, and women. Additionally, the victims are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. In the website, it reveals some facts: More than 2.4 million have been trafficked into forced labor worldwide. 600,000 to 800,000 are trafficked across borders each year. 12,000 children are working as slaves on cocoa plantations in West Africa. That is a big number. In addition, human trafficking takes place in almost every country around the world, more particularly in developing countries. Young women are brought for prostitution or pornography, and others are brought for labor. A statistic points out that a number between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States every year. Tracy Smith from CBS news claims that a lot of women were deceived for promised jobs, but then they were sold from $10,000 to $300,000, or they were brought for labor or prostitution. That just explains why many human traffickers bring their employees to the United States. It is because they can sell their employees for a high price that they never had at other countries. It seems that they gain more profit from doing that. In the article Okla. Women Shares Human Trafficking Story, Darrell Weaver, the agencys executiveà director states, Someone told me years ago that human trafficking could be larger than drug trafficking. I didnt want to believe them. But now, its surely more troubling because of theà victims. Indeed, human trafficking has become a huge business. According to, the profits of human trafficking industry are estimated to be eight to ten billion dollars a year. This profit of human trafficking is increasing since there are more people who are deceived and trafficked. This is a good deal for a business. Getting ten billion dollars a year sounds unacceptable and strange because it is not very easy for a business to get that big number in a year. Moreover, strongly emphasizes, Players in this industry vary significantly in size, geographical range, and organizational structure. That means the human traffickers could be anyone, and even someone that we know. The human traff ickers could be everywhere. It seems that the human trafficking industry has so much power. It must have support. However, who supports it? There are a lot of groups and organizations that are committing this crime. Nonetheless, there are a few main organizations that have been really popular for doing this. One of them is Fuk Ching, an Asian gang that was formed in New York in 1980s. It is estimated that the organization has 35 members right now, not including the other 20 who are in the prison at the time. Even the number of the group seems not a big quantity. It has been involved in a lot of kidnapping, smuggling, etc (James O. Finckenauer, Ph.D). Furthermore, based on the article Italian Organized Crime, the FBI notes that the Italian Mafia is a really huge crime organization with approximately 25,000 members over the world. They even have several active affiliates in America with over 3,000 members. They are known for doing a lot of criminal acts, for example, weapon trades, trafficking, bombing, fraud, ga mbling, real estate, etc. Besides, they are high-profile for human trafficking as well. Based on the reports of the BBC, one in five Italian businesses was controlled by organized criminal groups in 2000 and had $900 billion in their assets. In addition, Italy is an important transit and destination country for the poor in Eastern Europe and the affluent West, particularly for migrants from Albania. Italian gangs cooperated with Albanian gangs to smuggle women and girls for prostitution. According to PBS, it states that this is a good road for crime business for countries such as Italy, France, and Germany. It also adds that Albanian Gangs are extremely violent and well-armed. Kidnapping young girls and bringing them to prostitution are their jobs. Out of many organizations, this is just three sample organizations that are involved in the Human Trafficking all over the globe. Nevertheless, there are still other human-trafficking organizations. Japanese Yakuza, The Chinese Snakeheads, The Russian Mafia, Thai Lans Jao Pho and Red Wa, Taiwanese group Heijin, Hong Kongs Triads, and so on are a few examples (L L Keene). Each of them has their own methods of doing human-trafficking business, and they always modify better and different ways every time they work. shares a story of a fifteen-year-old named Debbie. She was a victim of human trafficking, and it changed her life forever. One evening in September, one of her friends named Blanca kidnapped Debbie. Blanca and two men took her into an apartment and started threatening her. Debbie was scared and fainted when one of the guys pointed a gun to her head. After she woke up, the captors raped her. Though, it was not the worst. For over 40 days, Debbie was forced to have sex with at least 50 men in different places every night. Debbie was put into a kennel, and that was her bed every day and night when she was not serving any customers. Debbie was afraid if she escaped, they would go after her family and kill them. Hence, she decided to stay. Police failed to find her in the apartment that she was held captive the first time they searched because she was put into a drawer under the bed and was too scared to scream. However, the police found Debbie in the same apartment the sec ond time. After the tragic event, Debbies family moved to another place. Debbies story was tremendously terrifying, yet this is just one of over thousand stories that could be easily found on the internet. How about the stories of people who were kidnapped and trafficked to be sex slaves or labor slaves? And their stories were never exposed to the public for some reasons which are horrible? Debbie was lucky that she was eventually rescued, but how about other people who had situations like Debbie? They never came back to their family or their loved ones. They may have died or may continue to suffer now. Human trafficking is harmful and horrific, yet not many people know its potential danger until they experience it. It is harmful because it damages victims physically. Based on the research of PecanGroup, Alexis Aronowitz writes, The use of sexual protection is negligible in this industry, leaving the exploited at a high risk of contracting various sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS that they further pass on to the men and their partners. That means the victims of human trafficking are forced to have sex with other men without using any protection. And that means they may have a high chance to get HIV/AIDS. That is so horrible. The author also addresses that the victims are forced to take drugs and have poor living conditions. They eat meals with lack of nutritious food that causes malnourishment and they are not given any medical aid or pills when they have various diseases (PecanGroup/ Alexis Aronowitz). Moreover, it is horrible because it damages victims psychologically, m ore particularly children. The children suffer from lack of self-esteem, emotional disturbance, disorientation, and depression and are scarred for life, the U.S. Department of State claims. Moreover, it also addresses that the children develop deep psychological disorders that they struggle with the rest of their lives even if they have been rescued. Of course, the U.S. Department of State believes that the rates of suicide of the children are very high. It does not matter how much medicine they take, or how many times per week they see therapists, or even how much their families are willing to help them. What happened to them will always come back and haunt them. Although the victims may escape from the human traffickers, they may live a life of fear. Law enforcement has difficulty dealing with human trafficking because of the embarrassment and fear of the victims, language barriers, or maybe sophisticated traffickers. However, law enforcement agencies ignore these challenges to bring human traffickers to justice. The FBI is an example. According to The FBI has stepped up its efforts to disrupt human trafficking operations worldwide and to free its victims. These efforts are focused on combating the exploitation of individuals who work in labor industries, such as agriculture and domestic service, and who are forced into prostitution and slave labor. This clearly shows that the government really takes this crime seriously and demonstrates that they care about the safety of their people. The FBI initiatives started in 2004, and has been co-operating with local police department, agencies, and other human trafficking victim advocacy organizations together to fight for this crime. So far, they have investigated almost 100 cases, and have solved most of them. The FBI infinitives goal for the future is that they will plan ahead future plan for the possible cases. In the meantime, they will connect to the residents and the community to get more information about this type crime so that the residents and the community groups will be more aware of it. While FBI is doing their jobs, good news comes out. President Obama decides to get involved in this issue since the human trafficking has become a bigger issue. In the article Obama Steps to Fight Human Trafficking, the author Ken Thomas and Matthew Daly writes that the White House orders prohibitions against human trafficking for federal contracts and subcontracts, including large oversea contracts. The author also notes the administration will provide more training for federal prosecutors, law enforcement officials, immigration judges and others to combat human trafficking. Human trafficking is a serious problem that the White House has stepped in. It is good news to hear because it shows how the Government cares for us. They do not ignore what is happening. And it gives a new hope for us and the victims of human trafficking. I think that the Government is trying as best as they could to help people. However, human trafficking is still happening. The only possible answer that I could come up with is maybe people who commit this crime always create different methods every time they act. It will be different than previous methods. The process will be cleverer, trickier, and more sophisticated. In addition, it has driven the police insane to figure out their agenda and how to solve it as well. Everybody has a responsibility. Every nation can take action, Obama spoke at Clinton Global Initiative (Rubenfeld, Samuel). I think that community is the powerful solution. That means we, the residents, should not always lean on the Government all the time. In a research Human Trafficking and Florida Law Enforcement, the author Sonide Simon writes, a policing philosophy that promotes and supports organizational strategies to address the causes and reduce the fear of crime and social disorder through problem-solving tac tics and police-community partnership. I think that we have to be careful, especially those who have kids. Parents should never allow their children go out at night. Teenagers should be warned about this issue. Educators should remind their students about this kind of crime as well as the methods to stay away from it. Furthermore, in each neighborhood, the residents should have meetings to discuss the safety of the area. Hence, neighborhood watches can be formed. As a result, I think it will be hard for human traffickers to commit their crimes. And there are other many ways that we could do to prevent kidnapping. The thing is that we have to step up and do it. In addition, building more websites about the harms of human trafficking is another solution. There are many websites on the internet. The website of U.S. Department of State ( is an example. The website updates the news or tips that the Government is doing to fight against human trafficking. Another example is the website It was also built to combat human trafficking. This website is different from the previous website. It connects with many different countries like Australia, Vietnam, United States, etc. It is like a big alliance to fight against the human trafficking in the world. It mentions the plans of each government in different country do. It is a good idea for students like me to know more what the Government is doing to stop a serious crime-human trafficking. Because it is a website, it can rapidly disseminate the information to other people living in the world. That means I can share with other people, and they may share w ith others, too. As a result, many people will have a background of knowledge and awareness of this issue to teach their kids or to find better ways to prevent human traffickers. In conclusion, human trafficking is a serious crime because it is a different form of slavery. More and more people are trafficked every year. The victims are forced into heavy labors, prostitution, etc. In addition, criminal organizations are making good profit from human trafficking. Furthermore, human trafficking damages victims physically and psychologically, leaving them a chance to get HIV and fearful lives. Knowing the serious issue, the government has involved in combating human trafficking. Additionally, residents can also join the government to help fighting against human trafficking. The U.S. and international community need to step up efforts to help more than 20 million victims of human trafficking around the globe, Obama spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative (Ken Thomas and Matthew Daly). This is time for us to think of the human rights. We are human and we do not accept any slavery in this country or even the globe. We must fight against this crime. This is time for u s to wake up. We have to team up, step in, and do it. As a result, we can help reduce or wipe out human trafficking on this planet.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Hydrogen Fusion is the Future Source of Energy Essay -- Energy Power G
Hydrogen Fusion, the Future Source of Energy Abstract The world is currently in an energy crisis with no end in sight. Many technologies can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and have the possibility of ending the energy crisis. Hydrogen fusion holds great promise with its no pollution energy output. If more energy can be created than is used to start the fusion process, the energy crisis might become a thing of the past. Over half of the energy used now comes from fossil fuels, which is around 2.77*10^14 KJ in 2003. ITER, which is under construction right now in France, will have the possibility of releasing 500 MW of energy as an output. By developing methods that reduce the energy needed to start the fusion process, hydrogen fusion might end our need to use fossil fuels. Introduction Humanity has faced many crises in the past few millennia. From the Black Plague of Medieval Times to World War II in the 1940ââ¬â¢s, humans have always had some form of large-scale problem to deal with. Now in our modern times, we as humans are facing one of the toughest: the energy crisis. This dilemma will have the greatest involvement of human minds to figure out a possible solution. The majority of all the energy produced in the world comes from fossil fuels. In these strange times, humans are now looking for new viable sources of energy to replace the highly depleted fossil fuels. One of the newer possibilities that can be used as a new form of energy is hydrogen fusion. One of the earliest experiments in this technology was in the late 1960ââ¬â¢s with the development of the Tokamak. The Tokamak was a Soviet-built magnetic confinement device developed by Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov. The shape of the Hydrogen Fusio... Total Primary Energy Consumption (Demand) Information. 25 July 2005. Retrieved 3 August 2005 from ITER. 3 August 2005. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 3 August 2005 from JET. 27 July 2005. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 31 July 2005 from Nave, C.R. Hyper Physics. Retrieved July 21, 2005. From Georgia State University Department of Physics and Astronomy Website: http://hyperphysics.phyastr. Tokamak. 27 July 2005. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 31 July 2005 from WEC Scenario A3 jpg. 20 July 2005. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 31 July 2005 from
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